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Monday, 6 July 2009
July 5, 2009 Tabernacle Message
Topic: Taberncale Services

This Weeks Tabernacle Message "Defending God" (probably not what you think) is up at:


Posted by Pastor Kork at 10:43 PM EDT
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Monday, 29 June 2009
June 28, 2009 Tabernacle Message
Topic: Taberncale Services

This Weeks Tabernacle Message "Defending God" (probably not what you think) is up at:

Posted by Pastor Kork at 5:49 PM EDT
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Sunday, 28 June 2009
This week at Still Waters - 6/28/09
Topic: Lectionary

This Week's Lectionary:  psalm 130, 2 samuel 1.1, 17-27, mark 5.21-43, &  2 corinthians 8.7-15

The themes of equality and faith found throughout scripture shine forth in 2 Corinthians 8 and in Mark 5’s account of two healings. In the gospel story, Jairus’ daughter and the woman who has bled for 12 years are on opposite ends of the social spectrum. Yet for Jesus faith is an equalizer of status. --Michaela Bruzzese

Posted by Pastor Kork at 2:20 PM EDT
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Monday, 22 June 2009
July 21, 2009 Tabernacle Message
Topic: Taberncale Services

This Weeks Tabernacle Message "Defending God" (probably not what you think) is up at:

Posted by Pastor Kork at 7:25 PM EDT
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Saturday, 20 June 2009
This week at Still Waters - 6/21/09
Topic: Lectionary

This week’s Lectionary: psalm 9.9-20, 1 samuel 17.1a, 4-11, 19-23, 32-49, mark 4.35-41, & 2 corinthians 6.1-13

Working on a Tabernacle message about how we think that we need to defend God; violence, arrogance, separatism, hatred, war, & politics. Christ calms the storm and expects us (in the boat) to have “faith.” Seems, as His “Body,” we sleep at the wrong times, we panic at the wrong times (exhibiting little faith), rush to conquer and control, and if we are His representatives, why do we not calm the storms of those around us?


"Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" (mark 4.40)

Posted by Pastor Kork at 11:55 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 20 June 2009 11:57 AM EDT
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Sunday, 10 May 2009
What is happening when God forgives our sins?

What do you think happens when God forgives our sin? Is it God changing and suddenly, reassessing us? Is it God deciding to waive some eternal and required punishment? No! Nothing happens in God. God is a perfect given-ness, totally and always given, literally fore-given, ahead of time, before our act of receptivity.

God does not change; we change. Here is what’s happening in the experience of forgiveness: When God’s arms are tight enough around us, when for a moment we can believe in love, when we let God gaze into your eyes deeply enough and are ready to believe it, than we’re able to let God rob us of our sins! God pulls them out of our pocket while holding us in an intimate and intense gaze. It is the only time we are quite happy to be robbed!

From Radical Grace: Daily Meditations, p. 294, day 307
(Source: Days of Renewal)

Posted by Pastor Kork at 12:34 PM EDT
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Thursday, 23 April 2009
Who are the children of God?
Topic: Life In The Kingdom
We cannot achieve our inherent dignity—our divine sonship and our divine daughterhood. All we can do is awaken to it and start drawing upon it, appreciating it, reveling in it. We know we live in an inherent dignity, a dignity that no one has given to us and no one can take from us. -Fr Richard Rohr

Posted by Pastor Kork at 9:16 AM EDT
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Sunday, 22 March 2009
Lent 4 - Tabernacle Service
Topic: Taberncale Services

Lent 4 Message is up at:

Interested in comments not controvery... Very interesting time, leading up to Holy Week.

Posted by Pastor Kork at 12:01 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Topic: Sound Bites
Suffering is the necessary feeling of evil. If we don’t feel evil we stand antiseptically apart from it, numb. We can’t understand evil by thinking about it. The sin of much of our world is that we stand apart from pain; we buy our way out of the pain of being human. 

Jesus did not numb himself or withhold from pain. Suffering is the necessary pain so that we know evil, so that we can name evil and confront it. Otherwise we somehow dance through this world and never really feel what is happening.  

Brothers and sisters, the irony is not that God should feel so fiercely; it’s that his creatures feel so feebly. If there is nothing in your life to cry about, if there is nothing in your life to complain about, if there is nothing in your life to yell about, you must be out of touch. We must all feel and know the pain of humanity. The free space that God leads us into is to feel the full spectrum, from great exaltation and joy, to the pain of mourning and dying and suffering. It’s called the Paschal Mystery.  

The totally free person is one who can feel all of it and not be afraid of any of it.Fr Richard Rohr, from Radical Grace: Daily Meditations, p. 209, day 218

Posted by Pastor Kork at 10:40 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 10 March 2009 10:43 AM EDT
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Friday, 6 March 2009
Tent fire destroys homeless couple?s shelter
Topic: Life In The Kingdom
Our friends, Bernie & Rhonda, had a fire. They are safe and in a room now. This article discusses our shelter, the struggle to “call in” our tent city friends, and our struggle with North Coventry Township’s bigotry toward those with less. Have a read, and don’t forget to comment…

POTTSTOWN: Officials said two people who were living in a makeshift tent in the woods behind a Verizon building on Robinson Street lost all of their belongings Wednesday in a fire. For more of this story, click on or type the URL below:

Posted by Pastor Kork at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 9 March 2009 8:30 AM EDT
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